what we are








At this point, SPIRITLAB is an idea trying to manifest through Calvin Correli.

Here's what it wants to become when it grows up:

We are a fund that invests in companies, teams, products, and ideas, to bring exciting and innovative products to market.

We are a team of developers, designers, marketers, and customer service people who work on these companies and products.

We work physically together in our offices in Manhattan, New York. Employees can shift between products, and will accrue equity based on how long they work on each product.

Once a product is successful, we may spin it off as its own company.

We are also a coworking space in Manhattan, New York, for business owners working with personal transformation.

Our offices include facilities for workshops, inspiring talks, music performances, as well as facilities for audio and video recordings. These are offered to members, both those funded by us, and those using our coworking space.

We will have regular workshops and talks, and they will be open to the public and recorded and shared with the world, when relevant.

If this excites you, get in touch.